Articles Archives - Singapore Aircon Service Sun, 23 Jul 2023 16:34:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Air Duct Cleaning in Commercial Aircon Servicing Sun, 23 Jul 2023 16:34:24 +0000 Air Duct Cleaning in Commercial Aircon Servicing – When it comes to commercial aircon servicing, one crucial aspect that should not be overlooked is air […]

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Air Duct Cleaning in Commercial Aircon Servicing – When it comes to commercial aircon servicing, one crucial aspect that should not be overlooked is air duct cleaning.

Air ducts play a vital role in distributing cool air throughout your commercial space, ensuring a comfortable environment for employees, customers, and clients. 

We will discuss why it is necessary, its benefits, and how frequently you should consider cleaning your air ducts. So, let’s delve into the topic and uncover the significance of air duct cleaning in commercial aircon servicing.

The Role of Air Ducts in Commercial Aircon Systems

Air ducts allow cool air to travel from the air conditioning unit to different areas of your commercial space.

They are crucial in maintaining proper airflow, temperature control, and ventilation.

The air duct system comprises a network of ducts that distribute conditioned air to various rooms or zones, ensuring a consistent and comfortable indoor climate.

Why Air Duct Cleaning is Important

Why Air Duct Cleaning is Important
Why Air Duct Cleaning is Important

The contaminants not only compromise the air quality but also obstruct the airflow, leading to reduced efficiency of the HVAC system. 

  • Improved Air Quality: Cleaning the air ducts removes accumulated dust, allergens, and pollutants, enhancing indoor air quality. This is particularly important for commercial spaces where many people spend a lot of time.
  • Energy Efficiency: Cleaning the air ducts improves airflow and allows the system to operate more efficiently, resulting in energy savings.
  • Extended Equipment Lifespan: A clean air duct system helps prevent premature wear and tear on the HVAC equipment. By reducing strain on the system, regular air duct cleaning can contribute to the longevity of the commercial aircon unit.

Signs that Indicate the Need for Air Duct Cleaning

Determining whether your commercial air ducts require cleaning can be challenging. However, certain signs can indicate the need for air duct cleaning. Pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Visible Mold Growth: Mold spores can spread through the air, potentially causing health issues for occupants.
  • Excessive Dust and Debris: If you frequently find excessive dust and debris around the vents or on surfaces despite regular cleaning, it could be a sign of dirty air ducts.
  • Unpleasant Odors: Lingering unpleasant odors from the vents may indicate the presence of contaminants or mold in the air ducts. 
  • Allergy Symptoms: If occupants experience unexplained allergies or respiratory issues that seem to worsen inside the commercial space, it could result from poor air quality caused by dirty air ducts.

The Benefits of Regular Air Duct Cleaning

Dirty Air Duct
Dirty Air Duct

Regular air duct cleaning offers several benefits for commercial spaces. Here are some advantages:

  • Improved Air Quality: Clean air ducts ensure that the air circulating in your commercial space is free from dust, allergens, and pollutants, creating a healthier and more comfortable environment.
  • Energy Efficiency: Clean air ducts promote better airflow, allowing the HVAC system to operate more efficiently. This can lead to energy savings and lower utility bills.
  • Reduced Allergens: By removing dust, pet dander, pollen, and other allergens from the air ducts, regular cleaning can alleviate allergy symptoms and improve the well-being of occupants.
  • Enhanced HVAC System Performance: When air ducts are clean, the HVAC system can operate at its full capacity, providing consistent cooling throughout the commercial space.
  • Odor Elimination: Cleaning the air ducts helps eliminate unpleasant odors caused by mold, mildew, or accumulated debris, creating a fresh and inviting atmosphere.

Frequency of Air Duct Cleaning in Commercial Aircon Servicing

It depends on various factors, including the type of business, the surrounding environment, and the overall air quality. 

In certain situations, more frequent cleaning may be necessary.

For example, commercial spaces located in dusty or industrial areas may require more frequent cleaning due to higher levels of debris and pollutants.

Similarly, businesses that involve activities generating significant airborne particles, such as construction or manufacturing, may need more regular air duct cleaning.

Professional Air Duct Cleaning
Professional Air Duct Cleaning

Professional Air Duct Cleaning vs. DIY Methods

While DIY methods are available for air duct cleaning, hiring professional services for commercial aircon systems is generally recommended.

Professional technicians have the expertise, equipment, and knowledge to thoroughly clean and inspect the air ducts.

Professional air duct cleaning services typically involve:

  • Thoroughly cleaning the air ducts, including the supply and return ducts, grilles, registers, and other components.
  • Inspecting the system for any signs of damage, leaks, or issues that may impact its performance.
  • Using specialized tools and equipment to dislodge and remove debris, ensuring a comprehensive cleaning.
  • Following industry standards and best practices to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the cleaning process.

FAQs About Air Duct Cleaning


Q: How often should commercial air ducts be cleaned?

A: The frequency of air duct cleaning in commercial spaces depends on various factors. A professional cleaning every 3 to 5 years is recommended as a general guideline. However, specific circumstances may require more frequent cleaning.

Q: Can air duct cleaning reduce energy consumption?

A: Yes, air duct cleaning improves airflow and enhances the efficiency of the HVAC system, which can lead to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Q: Can I clean the air ducts myself?

A: While there are DIY methods available, professional air duct cleaning is generally recommended for commercial spaces due to the specialized equipment and expertise required for thorough cleaning.

Q: Can air duct cleaning improve indoor air quality?

A: Yes, air duct cleaning removes accumulated dust, allergens, and pollutants, improving indoor air quality and a healthier environment for occupants.

Q: Is it necessary to clean air ducts without visible signs of dirt or issues?

A: Even if there are no visible signs of dirt or issues, regular air duct cleaning is still beneficial. It helps maintain optimal system performance, improves air quality, and prevents potential problems from developing.

Air Duct Cleaning in Commercial Aircon ServicingConclusion

Air Duct Cleaning in Commercial Aircon Servicing
Air Duct Cleaning in Commercial Aircon Servicing

Air duct cleaning is a vital aspect of commercial aircon servicing that should not be overlooked.

By ensuring clean and well-maintained air ducts, you can enjoy improved air quality, energy efficiency, and enhanced HVAC system performance in your commercial space.

Remember to schedule professional air duct cleaning every few years, considering your business’s specific needs and circumstances.

Regular air duct cleaning creates a healthier and more comfortable environment for employees, customers, and clients.

Don’t underestimate the impact of clean air ducts on your commercial aircon system’s overall air quality and efficiency.

Contact us today for professional and reliable aircon servicing needs!

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Common Aircon Problems: Troubleshooting Guide Wed, 05 Jul 2023 05:46:29 +0000 Common Aircon Problems: Troubleshooting Guide. Ever been in a situation where you need cool air, only to find your air conditioner isn’t working as it […]

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Common Aircon Problems: Troubleshooting Guide. Ever been in a situation where you need cool air, only to find your air conditioner isn’t working as it should?

Like all other devices, air conditioners can encounter a variety of issues. The trick to addressing these problems lies in understanding what they are and how to solve them.

Read on – Common Aircon Problems: Troubleshooting Guide:

Understanding the Basics of an Air Conditioner

Before diving into common aircon problems, it’s helpful to understand how an air conditioner operates at a basic level.

It’s a system designed to remove heat from an area, using a simple refrigeration cycle to cool your space.

Common Aircon Problems

Aircon Not Cooling

Have you ever turned your air conditioner on, expecting a blast of cool air, only to be disappointed?

  • Potential Causes and Solutions

This could be due to several factors, such as a dirty air filter, low refrigerant, or a faulty compressor. Cleaning or replacing the air filter, recharging the refrigerant, or seeking professional help for compressor issues may solve this problem.

Aircon Leaking Water

Notice a pool of water around your air conditioning unit?

  • Potential Causes and Solutions

This is likely due to a blocked drain pipe, a dirty air filter, or a low refrigerant charge. Unblocking the drain pipe, cleaning or replacing the air filter, or recharging the refrigerant can typically resolve this issue.

Aircon Making Noise

Is your air conditioner sounding more like a clunky old car than a soothing provider of cool air?

  • Potential Causes and Solutions

A loose part, a malfunctioning fan motor, or a dirty air filter may cause this. Tightening loose parts, repairing or replacing the fan motor, or cleaning or replacing the air filter may help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What should I do if my aircon is not cooling? Check for a dirty air filter, low refrigerant, or a faulty compressor. Depending on the cause, cleaning or replacing the air filter, recharging the refrigerant, or seeking professional help may solve the problem.
  2. Why is my aircon leaking water? This may be due to a blocked drain pipe, a dirty air filter, or a low refrigerant charge. Unblocking the drain pipe, cleaning or replacing the air filter, or recharging the refrigerant can resolve this issue.
  3. What could cause my aircon to make noise? A loose part, a malfunctioning fan motor, or a dirty air filter may cause noise. Tightening loose parts, repairing or replacing the fan motor, or cleaning or replacing the air filter may help.
  4. What should I do if my aircon does not turn on?  Resetting the circuit breaker, replacing the fuse, or repairing or replacing the thermostat can typically solve this problem.
  5. How can I prevent common aircon problems? Regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent most common aircon problems. This includes changing the air filter regularly, cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils, and scheduling regular inspections by professionals.

Prevention Tips for Common Aircon Problems

Regular maintenance and cleaning can help prevent most common aircon problems. This includes changing the air filter regularly, cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils, and scheduling regular inspections by professionals.

When to Call a Professional

While some issues can be solved through DIY solutions, others may require professional intervention. If your aircon continues to malfunction despite your efforts, or if you’re dealing with complex issues like a faulty compressor or thermostat, it’s time to call a professional.

Importance of Aircon Servicing

Importance of Aircon Servicing
Importance of Aircon Servicing

Proper servicing of your air conditioner is crucial for several reasons. If you’re questioning whether it’s worth the time and expense, consider the following advantages of regular aircon servicing:

  1. Enhanced Performance: Regular servicing ensures that your air conditioning unit performs at its best. This means your home or office stays at the ideal temperature, keeping you comfortable all year round.
  2. Increased Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained air conditioner operates more efficiently, using less energy to cool your space. This can translate into significant savings on your energy bills over time.
  3. Extended Lifespan: Regular maintenance can extend the life of your air conditioner, saving you the cost and hassle of early replacement. Servicing can help catch potential issues early before they become major problems that can cause permanent damage.
  4. Improved Air Quality: Over time, dust, allergens, and other pollutants can build up in your aircon unit, impacting the air quality it releases. Regular servicing ensures these impurities are cleaned, providing healthier, cleaner air.
  5. Prevention of Major Breakdowns: Regular check-ups can catch minor problems before they become major ones, preventing sudden breakdowns that can leave you sweating and uncomfortable.
  6. Cost Savings: Though there’s an upfront cost associated with regular maintenance, this can save you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs or replacements.
  7. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your air conditioner is in good working order, especially when you need it most, can provide peace of mind.

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us
Why Choose Us

It can be tough to pick one in the vast sea of air conditioning service providers. So, why should you choose us?

Expertise and Experience:

With years of experience under our belts, we have honed our skills and deepened our understanding of air conditioners and their potential problems. This wealth of experience allows us to diagnose and remedy a broad range of aircon issues swiftly.

Professional Technicians:

Our team comprises skilled technicians trained in the latest air conditioning technologies. They can handle aircon problems, from the most straightforward to the most complex, ensuring you get the most effective and efficient solutions.

Quality Service:

We take pride in the quality of our service. From the moment you contact us to completing the job, we strive to provide a smooth, hassle-free experience. Our team is known for their punctuality, professionalism, and dedication to customer satisfaction.

Affordable Pricing:

We believe that quality air conditioning services shouldn’t break the bank. That’s why we offer competitive pricing for our services, ensuring that you get the best value for your money.

Emergency Services:

Aircon issues can crop up unexpectedly, leaving you in a bind. That’s why we offer emergency services, providing prompt assistance when you need it the most.

Comprehensive Services:

From regular maintenance and cleaning to emergency repairs and replacements, we offer a comprehensive range of services to cater to all your aircon needs.

Choose us for your air conditioning needs and experience the difference. We’re not just a service provider but your reliable partner in ensuring your air conditioner runs smoothly when you need it the most.

Common Aircon Problems: Troubleshooting GuideConclusion

Common Aircon Problems Troubleshooting Guide
Common Aircon Problems Troubleshooting Guide

Understanding common aircon problems can equip you to handle them efficiently, minimizing discomfort and inconvenience.

Regular maintenance and professional inspections can further help prevent these issues and ensure your aircon’s smooth operation.

Are you seeking professional and reliable aircon service repair or maintenance services in Singapore? Contact us today!

The post Common Aircon Problems: Troubleshooting Guide appeared first on Singapore Aircon Service.

Aircon Maintenance Checklist for Singapore Homeowners Fri, 26 May 2023 18:39:28 +0000 Aircon Maintenance Checklist for Singapore Homeowners – Singapore, a tropical country, experiences warm weather all year round. As such, aircon or air conditioning units have […]

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Aircon Maintenance Checklist for Singapore Homeowners – Singapore, a tropical country, experiences warm weather all year round.

As such, aircon or air conditioning units have become necessary for homeowners.

However, maintaining these cooling machines for optimal performance can be quite a task if you need a reliable checklist.

Here’s the essential aircon maintenance guide to ensure your unit runs efficiently and has a longer lifespan.

Why Regular Aircon Maintenance Is Essential

Firstly, understanding the importance of regular maintenance is crucial. Aircon units filter air, cool it, and circulate it back into your home.

These filters can get clogged with time, and the unit’s overall efficiency can degrade.

Regular maintenance ensures your aircon runs smoothly, prolongs its lifespan, reduces energy consumption, and maintains good air quality.

Your Comprehensive Aircon Maintenance Checklist

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning of the aircon unit is a top priority. It involves dusting the exterior, cleaning the filters, and sometimes washing the condenser coils.

Cleaning prevents dust and dirt build-up, which could otherwise hinder air flow and reduce the unit’s efficiency.

Experts recommend cleaning your aircon at least once every three months.

Check and Replace Filters

Filters are essential for ensuring clean air circulation. Over time, they accumulate dust, affecting the aircon’s performance.

Thus, check your filters regularly and clean or replace them if necessary.

Generally, filters should be replaced every 6-12 months, depending on their usage and the air quality in your home.

Inspect the Condenser Coils and Fins

The condenser coils and fins can accumulate dirt over time, affecting the aircon’s cooling efficiency.

You should clean these parts at least once a year. However, take extra caution while cleaning them as they can be quite delicate.

Periodic Professional Maintenance

Aircon Inspection
Aircon Inspection

Refrigerant Level Check

A professional aircon service provider can help you check the refrigerant level in your unit. Too much or too little refrigerant can negatively impact the efficiency and lifespan of the aircon.

Inspect for Leaks and Duct Blockages

Occasionally, your aircon system might have refrigerant leaks or duct blockages.

A professional can inspect the system for such issues and fix them. This task should be done at least once a year to ensure smooth functioning.

Thorough System Inspection

An overall system check-up by professionals is also crucial.

They can detect potential problems or malfunctions that might be invisible to an untrained eye. This inspection should be performed at least once a year.

Advanced Aircon Maintenance Tasks

While most homeowners can handle regular cleaning and essential maintenance, some tasks are more complex and may require a skilled hand.

These advanced tasks can further ensure that your aircon unit operates optimally.

Check and Seal Air Leaks

Air leaks in your aircon unit can reduce its efficiency significantly.

These leaks often occur in the ductwork and can result in cool air escaping before it reaches your living spaces.

It’s best to have a professional inspect your aircon system for leaks and seal them if necessary.

Ensure Correct Thermostat Operation

The thermostat, being a key element of your aircon system, governs the temperature adjustments, thereby playing a pivotal role in its operation.

A malfunctioning thermostat can lead to inconsistent temperatures and higher energy usage.

Have a professional check your thermostat’s operation periodically to ensure it’s working as it should.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Your aircon unit consists of several moving parts, including the fan and motor. Over time, these parts can wear out due to friction.

Lubrication can reduce this wear and tear, leading to smoother operation and a longer lifespan for these parts.

Consider having a professional perform this task during their annual visit.

Inspect and Clean the Drain Line

The drain line removes the condensation produced by your aircon unit. A clogged drain line can leak water, potentially damaging your unit and home.

It’s important to inspect and clean the drain line regularly, typically during your annual professional maintenance visit.

Aircon Maintenance: An Ongoing Task

Aircon Pipings
Aircon Pipings

While it may seem like a lot, each of these maintenance tasks plays a crucial role in keeping your aircon unit running smoothly.

Remember, regular aircon maintenance ensures your home stays comfortable year-round and saves you money in the long run by preventing costly aircon repairs and improving energy efficiency.

Implementing this aircon maintenance checklist for your Singapore home will ensure you get the most out of your unit.

Keep your cool with a well-maintained aircon, and enjoy the tropical Singapore weather comfortably.

Frequently Asked Questions on Aircon Maintenance

How often should I service my aircon?

Ideally, you should clean your aircon filters every month and get professional aircon servicing done at least once a year.

However, if your aircon is heavily used or located in a dusty area, you may need to increase the frequency of cleaning and servicing.

Can I do aircon maintenance myself?

Yes, basic aircon maintenance tasks like cleaning the filters and exterior can be done by homeowners.

However, for tasks that involve the inner workings of the unit, such as checking the refrigerant level, sealing leaks, and lubricating moving parts, it is best to hire a professional.

Is regular aircon maintenance really necessary?

Absolutely! Regular aircon maintenance ensures your unit operates efficiently, provides good air quality, saves on energy bills, and lasts longer.

Lack of maintenance could lead to performance issues and expensive repairs or replacements.

What are the signs that my aircon needs maintenance?

If your aircon is not cooling effectively, making unusual noises, producing unpleasant odours, leaking water, or causing sudden spikes in your energy bills, it’s likely time for maintenance.

Regular checks can help you spot and address these issues early.

Does aircon maintenance affect indoor air quality?

Yes, a well-maintained aircon helps improve indoor air quality. Aircon filters trap dust, allergens, and other pollutants.

If they are not cleaned or replaced regularly, these pollutants can affect the air quality in your home.

Final Thoughts on Aircon Maintenance

Home aircon maintenance
Home aircon maintenance

Maintaining your aircon unit is about ensuring it works well and enhancing its longevity and consistently providing you with clean, cool air.

As a Singapore homeowner, following this comprehensive aircon maintenance checklist will help you achieve this.

Remember, while you can perform some maintenance tasks yourself, don’t hesitate to call in professionals for more intricate tasks.

This approach will ensure that your aircon functions optimally reduces your energy bills, and provides a comfortable environment for you and your family.

Key Takeaways

  1. Regular aircon maintenance is vital for efficient performance and prolonged lifespan.
  2. A proper checklist includes cleaning, filter checks, and inspecting condenser coils and fins.
  3. Professional maintenance should involve checking refrigerant levels, inspecting for leaks, and an overall system check-up.
  4. While DIY maintenance can be useful, hiring professionals for complex tasks is advisable.

Regular aircon maintenance keeps your aircon working efficiently and contributes significantly to a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

So, keep cool and tick off these maintenance checklist items. Enjoy the cool breeze, even in the heart of Singapore’s heat!

The post Aircon Maintenance Checklist for Singapore Homeowners appeared first on Singapore Aircon Service.

How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Aircon Cleaning Solution? Wed, 05 Apr 2023 06:53:13 +0000 How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Aircon Cleaning Solution? Air conditioning units are essential to keep our homes and offices cool during the hot months, […]

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How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Aircon Cleaning Solution? Air conditioning units are essential to keep our homes and offices cool during the hot months, but they can also become breeding grounds for bacteria and allergens. Regular cleaning of your air conditioning unit is necessary to maintain its efficiency and prevent the spread of hazardous substances.

Unfortunately, many commercial cleaning solutions contain dangerous chemicals that harm the environment and health. Fortunately, there are eco-friendly alternatives that you can make at home using natural ingredients.

In this article, we’ll guide you on creating this eco-friendly aircon cleaning solution using natural ingredients. You will need the following components and steps to make this eco-friendly cleaning solution. Read on to learn more!

Gathering Your Ingredients

 How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Aircon Cleaning Solution? - Conclusion

Before we dive into the recipe, here are all of the items you will need:

  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • Essential oil (optional)

Step-by-Step Guide to Making an Eco-Friendly Aircon Cleaning Solution

1. Measure Ingredients

As a general guide, use 1 cup of water and one teaspoon of baking soda for every 1.5 liters of vinegar solution. However, you are free to adjust these amounts according to your preferences. For added fragrance or mosquito repellency, add a couple of drops of essential oil; however, do not use olive oil since it is not recommended for cleaning. The vinegar and baking soda ratio depends on solution strength and individual taste preferences.

2. Get Ready to Clean!

This solution can be used on your air conditioner to reduce odors and kill bacteria. It also works well on other surfaces that need light cleaning; wipe down with a soft cloth or paper towel before rinsing with soapy water. Finally, repeat with vinegar before drying to prevent mildew from growing. Repeat as necessary for optimal results.

3. Mix the Ingredients

Mix all your ingredients in a bucket or container that can easily be poured. Be sure to thoroughly mix water and vinegar with baking soda before transferring them to a spray bottle for ease of use – label the bottle and store it on your cleaning supplies shelf for easy tracking of amounts used for each service. Finally, whisk everything together using a whisk in either bowl or bucket until your solution is fluid but not runny; if too liquid, add more baking soda for thickening; otherwise, add more water if necessary.

4. Apply the Solution

Once your solution is ready, spray it evenly and gently onto an aircon cleaning cloth with even pressure for uniform coverage. Keep the spray bottle open to avoid dampening your supplies when no one else uses them. The only way to tell if the solution is complete is by checking the cloth after an hour; if evaporated, add more explanation and spray again until there forms a thin film on the fabric – this usually takes up to 2 days for stronger cleaners; if speedier results are desired, reduce the liquid and increase baking soda instead.

5. Spray Again

You must repeat this procedure several times until the green solution thoroughly covers your aircon cleaning cloth. After finishing, rinse off with water and let air dry – outdated materials should be disposed of separately from other cleaning supplies since they can become contaminated if not properly cleaned. Generally, the odor dissipates after several days or weeks, depending on the quality and quantity of the solution; either replace the cloth with a new one or spray again with a fresh eco-friendly aircon cleaner solution.

5. Apply a layer of wax

Once your aircon cleaning solution has dried, apply wax or clear nail polish to prevent bacteria and dirt from penetrating through ventilation holes. You can also use this wax to peel away old paint and repaint the unit; additionally, it repels insects like ants and cockroaches, so you don’t have to worry about unwanted pests around while using the aircon without worry. Finally, wax helps prevent rusting – an issue common with aircon units – by protecting them against moisture accumulation inside them.

7. Use it

To use the aircon cleaning solution, spray it on your aircon unit and leave it for a couple of minutes to let it work its magic. Afterward, wipe away with a dry clean cloth so no green solution gets on your clothes or skin. You can add more keys to the fabric as needed; this solution works on glass, plastic, and metal surfaces.

However, please do not use it on wood or other types of furniture since vinegar may damage them. This solution can also be used if you regularly clean the aircon unit. To clean the heating vent, use a brush and some water; once they are clear, respray the solution to conserve energy consumption from your air conditioning unit.

8. Leave It Be

Once you finish cleaning your aircon unit, leave it unplugged on a shelf for at least 24 hours. This will prevent accidental usage during that period. Just remember to take it down and plug it back in before someone else uses it again. Aircon cleaning solutions will keep your aircon working optimally for an extended period and help extend its lifespan.

How Often Should You Clean Your Aircon Unit?

 How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Aircon Cleaning Solution? - Conclusion

Most air conditioners can be cleaned with regular dish soap and warm water. This helps eliminate dust, dirt, and germs entering the unit. However, if more intensive cleaning is required, do so once a month for optimal effectiveness.

How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Aircon Cleaning Solution? – Conclusion

Making your own eco-friendly aircon cleaning solution is easier and cheaper than you may think – always consult a professional before cleaning your air conditioning unit or other appliance! Regular maintenance of an air conditioning unit helps maintain its efficiency while preventing the spread of hazardous substances.

By creating this eco-friendly aircon cleaning solution at home, you are helping protect the environment and your health simultaneously! This solution requires natural ingredients which are safe and effective for use. Making this dish takes only 10 minutes and lasts for months.

The post How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Aircon Cleaning Solution? appeared first on Singapore Aircon Service.

The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels Thu, 23 Feb 2023 02:03:49 +0000 The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels. Air conditioning units experience wear and tear like any other machine, and regular maintenance is essential to ensure […]

The post The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels appeared first on Singapore Aircon Service.

The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels. Air conditioning units experience wear and tear like any other machine, and regular maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance.

Air conditioning servicing is a crucial aspect of maintaining your aircon units in good working condition, but unfortunately, it is often overlooked by many households. Neglecting to service or maintain your air conditioning units can lead to severe issues that may require costly repairs.

By enlisting the help of a professional aircon servicing company, you can keep your teams in top condition and save money in the long run. Read on to learn more!

The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels

1. Stay Healthy

Staying healthy and breathing clean air is crucial for your and your family’s well-being. However, if your air conditioner is filled with bacteria, dirt, and dust, it could lead to health problems, especially if anyone has pre-existing conditions like asthma or allergies.

That’s why getting your air conditioner serviced can effectively remove these harmful substances and ensure clean air is circulating in your room.

2. Cleaner Air

Regularly servicing your air conditioning unit is vital if you desire fresh, clean air in your home or office. This ensures that the air filters and unit are kept clean so that you can breathe air free from dust, bacteria, and pollutants. Additionally, it reduces the accumulation of dirt, dust, and bacteria in the unit.

3. Extend Lifespan

Air conditioning units, like most machines, require servicing to ensure they are in top-notch condition. Even if you have an expensive aircon unit, failing to maintain it properly would render it pointless. A qualified service technician can help to inspect and clean all the parts of your team. This ensures that your team is functioning optimally and extends its Lifespan in the long run.

4. Reduce Major Breakdowns

It’s safe to say that no one enjoys it when their air conditioning unit breaks down, disrupting their schedule and causing frustration due to the heat. That’s why it’s crucial to regularly service your units to prevent any major breakdowns or malfunctions from occurring.

5. Save Cost in the Long Run

While aircon servicing may seem costly, the truth is that your electricity and repair bills may be even higher in the long run if you neglect regular maintenance. A unit without proper upkeep can cost you more, such as higher electricity bills and potentially costly repairs if significant issues arise due to poor care.

Neglecting minor issues that go unnoticed can eventually lead to more significant problems that may cause a breakdown or malfunction. Electric bills will increase when an aircon malfunction or has reduced cooling efficiency.

6. Prevent Expensive Replacement

Aside from high electricity bills and repair costs, a poorly maintained air conditioning unit may also face various issues that could require expensive replacements. Therefore, it is essential to prioritize regular aircon servicing to save on costs and ensure efficient cooling. With proper maintenance, your unit may even last up to 8 to 10 years, giving you long-term savings.

7. Stay Cool

No one wants to suffer in the heat, whether at home or in the office, so regular aircon servicing is crucial. When your unit malfunctions, it can result in expensive repair costs, and it also means you won’t be able to enjoy the cooling air during those hot periods.

8. Save the Earth

Suppose your air conditioning unit experiences problems such as refrigerant leakage. In that case, it can release HFCs, artificial greenhouse gases that are harmful to the environment and contribute to global warming.

While technicians can recycle these gases from the machine, not all do. If people do not regularly engage in aircon servicing, they are often unaware that they are experiencing refrigerant leakage, which is unfortunate.

9. Remove Smelly Air

Occasionally, your aircon unit may emit a foul odor in your home or office. This is usually caused by the team’s mold, bacteria, and dirt accumulation. If you ever detect an unpleasant odor from your team, it’s important to immediately engage a service company to inspect its condition and eliminate the smell.

10. Adherence to the Manufacturer’s Warranty Requirements

Manufacturers often have varying warranty conditions, with some requiring users to engage in regular aircon servicing to keep the unit in good working condition. To avoid voiding the warranty, it’s essential to check the stated conditions or have your aircon serviced regularly.

11. Reduced Possibility of Asthma Attacks

Were you aware that air conditioning in your home can help decrease the likelihood of experiencing an asthma attack? According to the Mayo Clinic, utilizing an A/C can reduce the humidity in your home and decrease the presence of pollen, mold, mildew, and other outdoor allergens that can trigger asthma symptoms. Air conditioners can also reduce exposure to indoor allergens, such as dust mites.

Additionally, the Mayo Clinic recommends several home remedies, such as replacing carpeting with wood or linoleum, frequently cleaning bathrooms and other damp areas of the home that are more prone to accumulating mold spores, avoiding contact with pets to decrease exposure to pet dander, and wearing a mask while dusting.

12. Cool Place to Exercise
The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels

Air conditioning can play a role in facilitating indoor exercise by creating a relaxed and comfortable environment. When the temperature indoors is comfortable, individuals are more likely to exercise rather than avoid it due to discomfort. This is particularly true during hot weather when indoor exercise can be a safer and more comfortable alternative to outdoor exercise.

13. Save the Earth

Refrigerant leakage in air-conditioners can release HFCs, or artificial greenhouse gases, which are harmful to the environment and contribute to global warming. While technicians can recycle these gases from the machine, not all do so. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of refrigerant leakage in their air-conditioners if they do not use regular aircon servicing.

The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels – Conclusion

The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels

Hence, the hotel industry needs to clean the central air-conditioning ventilation system and the circulating water system to provide guests with a satisfactory experience and save energy.

Experts suggest that cleaning the central air conditioning system, which includes the ventilation system and water system, should be done 1-2 times per year to ensure optimal operation of the air conditioning system.

The post The Importance Of Aircon Servicing For Hotels appeared first on Singapore Aircon Service.

Why Is Aircon Servicing Important In Singapore? Thu, 26 Jan 2023 03:31:07 +0000 Why Is Aircon Servicing Important In Singapore? Aircons are an essential tool in today’s modern society since they keep us calm and comfy when the […]

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Why Is Aircon Servicing Important In Singapore? Aircons are an essential tool in today’s modern society since they keep us calm and comfy when the weather is hotter, making us sweat and feel dirty. We usually prefer to have our aircon at total capacity, wherein staying outdoors can easily make you sweat despite not doing anything, especially in Singapore, wherein higher temperatures are now expected because of climate change.

Since our air-conditioning units are always running at max settings, whether inverter or ordinary aircon, it is always best to have them checked and maintained by a professional aircon technician, especially since the prices of air-conditioning units are not low.

They can be expensive when supply and demand are primary factors. Most people believe that their air-conditioning units only require servicing and therefore do not need the assistance of an aircon technician, which is not the case, especially now that the more advanced air-conditioning units’ insides can be pretty tricky to disassemble.

Top reasons why aircon servicing is essential in Singapore

1. Servicing increases the system efficiency

As consumers of air-conditioning units, we always want our aircon to run efficiently and smoothly, which is why it is best to have it checked and serviced immediately, especially if you have started to hear weird noises coming out from the unit or it can no longer make the entire room cool and comfy.

These are just some of the signs that there is something wrong with your team, and a professional technician must check it; they usually appear after 4 or 5 years of use which is why you must have your air-conditioning units checked at least twice a year to be on the safe side since the cost of these units is not cheap. It came from your hard-earned money.

2. Regular servicing will lower the energy expenses

Since air-conditioning units have different levels of horsepower, your electric bill can be on the average or higher, especially if you are using old types of air-conditioning units wherein they are considered to be power hungry, unlike the inverter types of aircon wherein they are more energy efficient and at the same less maintenance is necessary.

But the regular maintenance and checking of the unit will give you that peace of mind that there is nothing wrong, especially with its pipes if they are clogged with water or dirt; with this regular servicing, you will be able to save more on your electric bill.

3. Servicing will prolong the lifetime of the system
Why Is Aircon Servicing Important In Singapore?

As a consumer, you want to extend the life of your air-conditioning unit since you have invested your hard-earned money, time, and effort to make sure that you can afford one, which is why you should know how to prolong its life as much as possible.

Regular servicing and maintenance from your trusted technician will keep it safe and running smoothly, whether it is an inverter considered more advanced in cooling technology or just the average air-conditioning unit. Whatever type of aircon unit you have, you still purchase it with your own money, which is why it deserves proper care and maintenance in the long run.

4. Regular maintenance will save the system warranty

When you buy a brand-new air-conditioning unit, it usually comes with a service warranty for at least two years,s regardless of the type. Still, most of us tend to get excited when we first buy our brand-new aircon. We tend to disregard the warranty services the manufacturer has given us, especially if we can buy their flagship product equipped with the most advanced air cooling technology.

When the unit is damaged, we always use third-party repair service centers since they are cheaper. Still, when you do this, you void your unit’s warranty and sometimes even jeopardize the aircon unit itself.

Regular maintenance and check-up of your precious aircon unit is good but have it done by the manufacturer itself because that is what the warranty is good for; when you do this, you prolong the unit’s life and save you some money in the long run.

5. Servicing prevents expenses of extensive repairs

There will come a time when some of the parts of your precious air-conditioning units will start to get damaged and need replacement parts, but many servicing companies promise to repair your aircon.

Still, most of the time, instead of saving money and improving your unit, you might spend more money in the process. Some of the parts and repairs that they would be doing are not safe. The details are not from OEM or Original Equipment Manufactured. It is best to go to the specific service center, which is usually written on your warranty card and is licensed by the manufacturer of your aircon unit.

In this way, you are safe that you will receive genuine parts and services that will surely be able to repair your unit and prolong its life in the process because you are getting the approved servicing that the manufacturer recommends.

Why Is Aircon Servicing Important In Singapore? -Conclusion

Why Is Aircon Servicing Important In Singapore?

As an owner of an Aircon unit, having it serviced and checked regularly is very important because regardless of the type of aircon you have, whether an ordinary or an inverter, both can be seen as an investment because they came from your hard-earned money.

You bought it to keep yourself and your family comfortable, which is why it is best to have service and checked by a trusted and reputable technician that can surely maintain and repair your aircon.

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How Does Aircon Affect Your Skin Wed, 21 Dec 2022 07:07:48 +0000 How Does Aircon Affect Your Skin? If you are like most people, you consider your skin one of the most critical aspects of your health. […]

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How Does Aircon Affect Your Skin? If you are like most people, you consider your skin one of the most critical aspects of your health. It is not a surprise, then, that the quality of your skin is often something you obsess over and take pride in.

However, while it might seem like such an insignificant thing at first glance, air conditioning can seriously impact your overall health, which is not always visible on the surface. And that is where the importance of air conditioning goes beyond making you feel comfortable. Air conditioning affects not only your skin but also your health in many other ways.

How Does Aircon Affect Your Skin

How Does Aircon Affect Your Skin
1. Dry and Itchy Skin

The most common aircon skin effect people complain about is dry, itchy, and scaly skin. Lying in aircon for too long can cause the skin to dry out so badly that it becomes scaly due to the layer of dead skin. This is most common during the cooler months when you are not as active.

The best way to prevent this is not only moisturizing but also providing your body with enough hydration by drinking lots of water throughout the day! In particular, the cold air from the air conditioner removes moisture from the room like a dehumidifier, which dries out your skin.

Cold and dry air also removes moisture from your skin to keep you cool during hot days. In other words, it is already doing its job- keeping you cool and dry- so you do not need to worry about needing lotion for dry skin. However, this may cause your scalp or face to feel tight.

2. Acne

Due to the cold environment of air-con, the heat from your body cannot escape, and this causes you to sweat excessively. Acne usually occurs when dead skin cells accumulate in your pores and bacteria start to grow. The temperature is too cold in a cooling room for bacterial growth, so this does not happen.

When you enter an air-con room for long periods, it is as if you have entered another dimension (not Star Wars). The air-con environment combined with sweat causes an excellent condition for bacteria growth, causing your pores to clog and causing acne.

3. Itchiness

The problem with many air con rooms is that they need to be ventilated better. This results in toxins being trapped in the air and irritating your skin. If you are constantly exposed to toxins without getting enough rest, your body will find it difficult to recover. Once you have recovered from a period of exposure, you will start to feel itchiness which can persist for an extended period! A solution to this is not only making sure that you are avoiding toxic fumes but also getting plenty of sleep each night!

4. Rashes

If you are in an air-con room for an extended period, your skin will become dry and scaly. One may be tempted to put moisturizer on, but better solutions exist. Your skin needs to breathe; being too oily will only make it drier, more irritated, and itchy. The best thing to do is stay hydrated as much as possible while providing lots of hydration through your body by drinking lots of water throughout the day!

5. Causes Your Body to Get Scarier

Air conditioning also dries out your skin, making it more susceptible to sun damage, such as wrinkles and age spots. This happens because drying air allows the sun’s harmful UV rays to penetrate deeper into your skin.

Sun damage is a much more difficult problem because it is based on genetics; however, you can prevent it by staying in the shade and wearing sunscreen. Even if you have already had your fair share of UV damage, using an air conditioner will only cause it to get worse over time.

6. Causes You to Sweat Less

Cold air also affects how much you sweat. When you are out, you do not sweat as much, which can cause your skin to become dry. Although this may seem reasonable, sweating is a healthy way for your body to cool down. Your body works by releasing sweat on the surface of your skin, which evaporates and cools you down. On hot days, you may find yourself less sweaty- but also more susceptible to heat-related illness.

7. Causes Wrinkles
How Does Aircon Affect Your Skin

Cold air from air conditioning also increases wrinkling, so people living in warm weather areas are more likely to get wrinkles. This is because when your skin is exposed to the dry air outside, it becomes dry and wrinkly. Additionally, this causes people who live in cold weather areas to get wrinkles due to more prolonged exposure.

In other words, men may develop wrinkles when they turn the air conditioner up in cold seasons, and women may develop wrinkles when air conditioning is on in their homes.

8. Dust Mites

Another aircon skin effect that people complain about is dust mites which can cause allergies due to the trapped microscopic dirt in their bedding or furniture. The best way to prevent this is by washing frequently and ensuring that you are not sleeping in beds or furniture that have accumulated much dust.

9. Sleepiness

Another aircon skin effect is that it can make you drowsy. When your body sweats very severely, it releases chemicals that make you sleepy. This causes you to do things that you wish you hadn’t done. If this happens, try getting lots of sleep throughout the day! Sleep is the best way to recover from an air con session!

How Does Aircon Affect Your Skin – Conclusion

Aircon is a blessing when the weather is hot, but it can also be hell on your skin. Due to its cold temperatures, air conditioning can cause dryness, itchiness, and even rashes. This is because air-con can create a suitable environment for bacteria growth, dries out the skin, and causes dust and fungi to form under your bedding or furniture. Allergies are also common in people who are allergic to dust!

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Can Aircon Cause Lung Problems? Mon, 14 Nov 2022 02:56:57 +0000 Can Aircon Cause Lung Problems? Can Aircon Cause Lung Problems? An aircon system is very essential in any home. It is responsible for cooling rooms […]

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Can Aircon Cause Lung Problems? Can Aircon Cause Lung Problems? An aircon system is very essential in any home. It is responsible for cooling rooms ensuring that the ambient temperature is pleasant. By keeping your space cool, these systems also help conserve energy.

However, just like any other equipment, aircon units can also cause health problems. Although not very common, several people report that their aircon has resulted in asthma, chest problems, and other health issues. Air conditioning units are made up of several parts such as an evaporator, compressor, and condenser.

When they are working properly, they cool the air by transferring heat from inside to outside. As a result, the temperature in the room is lowered. However, just like any other equipment or machine, aircon units also have various parts that can be defective and could start causing various problems for users.

Reasons Why Aircon May Cause Lung Problems

There are several reasons why aircon units could potentially cause lung problems

Can Aircon Cause Lung Problems?
1) Aircon Fans

Aircon fans are usually made up of several blades and a motor. Since aircon units like most other machines and equipment are designed to work 24 hours a day, the blades on these fans will move in many directions at the same time resulting in high pressure that can cause skin and mucus membrane problems. Moreover, this high pressure also makes the aircon units vibrate, which again affects your health.

2) Aircon Condensers

The main component of an aircon unit is its condenser. The type of condenser used depends on the model of the aircon unit you have. However, all types of condensers can cause several problems including asthma, throat infections, and heart problems. The main reason for this is that aircon condensers can cause allergies.

3) Aircon Compressors

The compressor part of an aircon unit is responsible for transferring the heat to the air exiting the unit’s blower. However, like all other components, compressors tend to break down and will have to be replaced from time to time. Because of this, it is essential that you keep watch on the condition of your compressor and make sure that you replace it promptly.

4) Aircon Evaporators

Aircon evaporators are responsible for absorbing moisture from the air and turning it into water vapor which makes your room feel cooler. However, over time, the moisture may start to build up around the evaporator which can result in skin problems.

5) Aircon Filters

Aircon filters are an essential part of your aircon unit and should be checked regularly. However, it is important that you choose the right filters for your aircon system. For instance, if you have animals in your house or if there are people who smoke cigarettes at home, it would be necessary to use a more efficient filter than one that is used for other types of homes.

The reason for this is that pets tend to shed hair and cigarette smoke contains many harmful chemicals that need to be trapped. Filters trap only those pollutants that are trapped in dust particles.

Importance of aircon cleaning

i. Long-lasting Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your aircon unit allow you to get around these health issues. However, to ensure your aircon is operating efficiently, you need to have it cleaned regularly. A good way to keep your system healthy is to have it cleaned once every 6 months by a qualified technician.

ii. Keeping Your Aircon Working Properly

While cleaning will prevent the system from breaking down, there may still be times when your aircon stops working or changes its performance gradually.

If this happens, it’s important that you call a technician as soon as possible so that the issue can be fixed before it becomes too serious. The technician will first inspect the unit to see where the problem lies. If there is a leak or any other problem with the compressor or evaporator, they will need to be replaced. Otherwise, cleaning and maintenance may be needed.

iii. Preventing Respiratory Problems

Respiratory problems can be avoided by ensuring that your aircon unit is cleaned regularly and that you use the correct filters. These problems can result in dust particles in your system which will cause the allergens to settle in the areas where air enters and leaves.

iv. Avoiding Damp Rooms

Dampening your aircon filters with water can help cleanse them of dust particles and ensure that they are working properly. Regular cleaning will prevent dust particles from accumulating around the evaporators or filters, which may cause problems such as asthma, coughing, and skin rashes.

v. Preventing Weakness/Fatigue

Lung issues are very common in today’s modern world where pollution is a serious issue. By cleaning and maintaining your aircon system regularly, you can help in preventing these issues. Moreover, by vacuuming your system around 2-3 times a week, you can prevent the buildup of dust particles which could potentially cause health problems.

vi. Lowering Electricity Bills

Cleaning your aircon unit regularly will ensure that the system is working efficiently. This will not only ensure that you save money by using less electricity, but it will also give you a better environment to live in. Faulty aircon systems can cause higher electricity bills and this should not be taken lightly.

vii. Preventing Future Health Problems

By keeping your aircon clean, you will be exposed to fewer allergens and pollutants. This means that you may not develop health issues as a result of breathing in these pollutants in the future. The best way to prevent lung issues is to have your aircon system cleaned regularly.

viii. Improved Air Quality in Sleeping Areas

Living in a clean environment is one of the most important factors for healthy living and this includes sleeping areas as well. A clogged or dirty aircon can cause thin layers of dust particles to settle on mattresses, bed sheets, and pillows which results in a lot of dust in your house. This again may result in allergic reactions and respiratory problems, especially among children and older persons.

Can Aircon Cause Lung Problems? – Conclusion

By cleaning your aircon regularly, you can help to improve your health. You may not experience any problems as a result of cleaning the aircon unit or you may simply notice that it is running better. However, these harmful particles can build up around your aircon and if left unattended could result in serious health issues for you or for those that live with you.

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How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil? Thu, 06 Oct 2022 09:40:54 +0000 How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil? Aircon (or air conditioning) is a necessity in Singapore, where our temperature can be as high as 37°C. […]

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How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil? Aircon (or air conditioning) is a necessity in Singapore, where our temperature can be as high as 37°C. This machine cools the air, making it more comfortable to live and work in. But no matter how well-designed these machines are, they still need some basic aircon maintenance now and then. One of the most important parts of an AC system is the fan coil unit.

The main function of this part is to draw the air and disperse it radially into the room. Fan coils are made up of many thin wire coils, and each one of them is surrounded by a metal casing that filters out dust particles and other minute contaminants. The fan coil unit needs to be replaced or cleaned periodically to ensure its performance.

When dirty, your aircon may not be able to keep the room cool as it should do, or even become very noisy as a result of increased vibration when operating. Read on: How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil?

Tools and equipment for cleaning AC coils

  • Power drill (9V or 12V)
  • Cleaner or vacuum cleaner
  • Fan coil cleaning brush (imported from China)
  • Specialized filter material (imported from China)
  • Screwdriver
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Safety glasses/goggles

Coil cleaner for AC

  • 1 part dissolve detergent (cut into small pieces)
  • 2 parts water
  • 4 parts alcohol
  • 35 parts white vinegar.
  • Concentrated coil cleaner

Steps to clean the dirty fan coil unit:

How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil?
  • Cut the power supply to stop the AC motor from rotating and disconnect the wires to prevent an electrical shock.
  • Use a screwdriver to unscrew the fan coil unit casing by loosening all screws first, especially at the corners. Remove the casing carefully and set it aside.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove as much dust that is accessible using its extended hose pipe. You can also use a damp cloth or paper towel if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner handy.
  • Use a brush to scrape off any dirt that is stuck on the coils, being careful not to damage the thin wires.
  • Use needle nose pliers to remove any dirt caught in between the coils.
  • Use fan coil cleaner by mixing chemicals and pouring them into the casing. Let it sit there for around 15 minutes or so, then use a vinegar solution to flush out dirt and detergent residue. Repeat this process if necessary until you are satisfied with how clean the casing looks.
  • Use a clean rag to wipe off any cleaner residue and then put the casing back together.
  • If you have time, perform cleaning for the air filter too by vacuuming it or wiping it with a damp cloth. You will notice that the room is kept cool and clean now.

Tips for taking care of your aircon:

How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil?
  1. Be careful to check if your aircon needs a regular check-up before you do any maintenance to the fan coil unit, as some people have issues with contaminant build-up which may cause damage to the machine.
  2. Don’t use any cleaning solution on the blades of your fan, as it can damage it and make it unable to perform as well.
  3. Be sure to check for dangerous symptoms such as rust spots, and leaking or cracked parts of your aircon before you replace it.

How to clean a coil in AC unit—outside condenser

How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil?

When cleaning the coils of your air conditioner condenser, you should always wear a face mask, rubber gloves, and protective goggles. You should also turn off the power to the unit to ensure that if there is a large build-up of dirt or debris on the coil fins, it will not become airborne when you are blowing out the dirt.

To do this, unplug or shut off power at the thermostat. Then use an air hose with a brush attachment to clean both sides. You can also use a vacuum cleaner or a broom to help clean the fins. Be sure not to damage any fins by pulling on them aggressively.

Vacuum up any dust or dirt

Use a brush or vacuum cleaner like this one to clean the inside of the unit and the outside fins. Use a hose attachment to remove any dust from between the fins and inside the unit if necessary. Be very careful not to damage the fins with too much force.

How to clean aircon unit—inside the fan

Similar to cleaning the coils, cover your head with a mask and rubber gloves before opening the side panel. Turn off the power of the thermostat so that you don’t get any electrocution. Your air conditioner unit may have a drain pan for watering out. If so, empty it. Be careful to not let any water come in contact with the fins.

The inside of the fan unit is not difficult to clean, but since it is full of sharp moving parts, you have to be careful. A vacuum cleaner can help remove most dirt when it comes to the inside. You may need an air hose nozzle with a brush attachment if it’s needed. Be careful not to damage any wires or fins that are delicate.

How to clean aircon condenser coil—outside unit

Clean the outside fins of your AC condenser coil with a soft cloth. Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasive clothes to clean it. Dirt, moss, and algae can collect on the outside of your condenser coil. This can significantly raise your electric bill because your AC has to work harder to work properly. So be sure to keep it clean by using a soft brush, or a small vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment.

Vacuum the inside of the unit

You may want to use a vacuum cleaner for this step as well. Be careful not to damage the fins. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, that’s even better. This will help remove any detritus from the inside of your AC unit that you may have missed before.

How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil? – Conclusion

Air filters should be cleaned once every 6 months or twice a year, depending on usage. Do this by making use of your vacuum cleaner or an airbrush attachment to clean the inside and outside of the AC condenser coils.

There may be a drain pan that you need to empty as well. Be careful not to get any water on the coils, however. The air filter can be difficult to clean because there are a lot of tiny crevices around it. So make sure you have a high-quality vacuum cleaner or brush attachment for your hose with you.

The post How To Clean Dirty Aircon Fan Coil? appeared first on Singapore Aircon Service.

Reasons For Aircon Chemical Washing Sun, 18 Sep 2022 17:23:19 +0000 Reasons for Aircon chemical washing. Despite its importance, few people know how to maintain their air conditioning unit. For one thing, it’s important to schedule […]

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Reasons for Aircon chemical washing. Despite its importance, few people know how to maintain their air conditioning unit. For one thing, it’s important to schedule annual professional maintenance for your cooling system. This will ensure that your system is operating efficiently, and will keep it from being damaged by insects, dust, or other things that can degrade its operation.

These checks will ensure that your air conditioner is operating efficiently, as well as detect potential problems before they become more costly. In addition, it’ll extend the life of your cooling unit significantly. Read on – Reasons For Aircon Chemical Washing:

What Is Aircon Chemical Wash?

Air conditioner chemical wash is a process that reduces the number of bacteria and germs on the surface of an air-conditioning unit. It is an effective process to clean air conditioner filters, coils, and other areas of the cooling system. Air conditioner chemical wash is also a good idea to use when you are cleaning an air conditioner, especially when it is very dirty.

Soak the air conditioning unit in a container of chemical wash that you made at home. Air conditioner chemical wash typically contains bleach and other cleaning agents. After soaking, the wood, coils, and other parts of the unit need to be rinsed with water vigorously so that it will remove any residue left behind by the chemical wash.

Is Aircon Chemical Wash Good?

Aircon chemical wash is good in that it helps to clean any dirt and debris that have built up in the unit. This would make sure that any water or air flowing inside the unit is of higher purity, thus providing better cooling or heating.

Not only will it help prevent your air conditioner from breaking down, but it would also save you money on electricity bills. This is as chemical washing will ensure that your air conditioner works more efficiently and requires less energy to cool/heat your room.

Pros And Cons Of Aircon Chemical Wash

Reasons For Aircon Chemical Washing

There are several advantages of having an aircon chemical wash. Some of these include:

Pros Of Chemical Wash

Air conditioner evaporator coils are washed down with a chemical solution to remove all the dirt and grime.

The internal parts of the air conditioning system, such as the evaporator coil, condenser, pipes, etc., are washed with chemicals. This would help remove any debris and grime that could potentially clog up the entire unit. This helps save you money on maintenance costs and is generally a great way to keep your home at a cool temperature while also protecting your health.

Aircon chemical wash also helps to prevent future breakdowns of your air conditioner if done regularly. As your filter and coils are regularly cleaned, the chances of them clogging will be significantly reduced. This would help prevent untimely breakdowns of your air conditioner and save you money on repair costs.

Another benefit of having your air conditioner chemical washed is that it also prevents mold and mildew growth. Having an air conditioner in your home located on a permeable floor would allow water to flow in and out through the floor. This would allow molds and mildew to grow on the floor and can be very unsanitary.

However, by having an air conditioner that’s been properly maintained would minimize this risk entirely. This would save you on the costs of a professional cleaning service as not only would you benefit from being more sanitary but also your property overall will look better as well.

Cons Of Chemical Wash

There are some disadvantages to having the chemical wash done on your air conditioner.

Chemical washing is a process that requires professional experience and knowledge to prevent further damage or injury to the air conditioning unit. Besides, it is also an extremely costly process as professional labor has to be paid and all the parts need to be replaced after they have been soaked in chemicals.

What If I Don’t Do Chemical Wash For My Aircon?

Reasons For Aircon Chemical Washing

If you do not have your aircon chemical washed, it could cause potential health problems. Some of these problems include:

A dirty air conditioner promotes the growth of fungi, which can be dangerous to your health. These fungi thrive in a moist environment and will grow on the filter, coils, and drainage pipes inside the unit. When inhaled or ingested, they can cause fever, coughs, and allergies. In some cases, they could even lead to dangerous infections in the respiratory tract or digestive system.

Particles that come together with dirt and filth could potentially clog up the drain pipes inside your air conditioner. This could cause water to back up or flood the unit. This could also mean that your air conditioner would not have enough water to cool the room, and would eventually ruin the evaporator coils.

If you are living in a high-rise or place with poor ventilation and air circulation, chances are there will be more dust, pollen, and other pollutants floating around your home. These particles will stick onto your air conditioning unit and this will only worsen the problem of uncleanliness over time.

If your air conditioning unit is not cleaned regularly or has gone way past the time it should have been cleaned, this could cause the fan blower to stop rotating. This is especially important if you live in a humid area as the fan blower does the job of dissipating warm air from the room.

How Much Does It Cost To Have An Aircon Chemical Wash?

Air conditioning chemical wash can be quite expensive and could lead to excessive bills if not done by professionals. The cost of chemical washing a home air conditioner can range anywhere from $40 – $100. While it is difficult to estimate the exact cost of your air conditioning unit, you may have to pay a certain amount based on the size of your home and location such as whether it’s located in a high rise or not. The bigger your home, the more expensive it would be.

Reasons For Aircon Chemical Washing – Conclusion

Aircon chemical wash is something that should be done on your air conditioning unit regularly as it would help to maintain the efficiency of your air conditioner. Besides, it would also help keep your home clean and save you money on electricity bills. There are several advantages associated with having your aircon chemical washed, so you need to get it done regularly by a professional.

The post Reasons For Aircon Chemical Washing appeared first on Singapore Aircon Service.
